FPMA Member Festival Requirements &
Information for Fairport Canal Days 2025
· Merchants will provide their own display booth (tents, racks, and/or tables) for their work to be properly displayed. Boxes and packing crates will not be visible.
· This is an outdoor show, so Merchants must be prepared for any sort of weather (especially wind). Be prepared to display on uneven surfaces or mixed terrain - cement, grass, and/or pavement. Rain tarps, plastic sheeting, and extra weights should all be planned for in case of inclement weather. This is a rain or shine show, and participants are required to participate the full length of the festival hours.
· Booth setup begins at 6am Saturday morning. Merchants must check in before setting up. No Friday setup is allowed. Vehicles should be unloaded and removed promptly. Breakdown begins no earlier than 5pm on Sunday. No early tear downs! If I choose to tear down early, I will not be able to participate in future Canal Day shows.
· If a double space is assigned, you MUST utilize both spaces (i.e. two 10'x10' tents, or one 10'x10' tent with displays in the remaining space). No Merchant may request a second booth space with the intent to leave it open.
· Main Street will be closed to traffic by 9am on both days and will be reopened at the discretion of the Fairport Police Chief at the close of each festival day. Liftbridge Lane East will be closed for the duration of the festival. By law, vehicles are not to be moved on any festival property during this time until allowed by the Fairport Police Chief.
· Electricity is NOT available. Portable power supplies are allowed if they are silent and fume free. Wifi is NOT provided and we cannot guarantee it will be available. Please plan accordingly.
· All selling activity will be confined to my display area (10’ x 10’ or 10’ x 20’) and/or my storefront and will not extend into the street.
· I will not have any sandwich board signs.
· I will not offer any products for sale that are not routinely sold in my place of business throughout the year (for example: soda, water, candy).
· My display area will be staffed at all times during show hours.
· I will not sublet or place any other business or organization in my space.
· Non-Main St. & Home-Based Merchants will be placed in an advertised merchant location.
· The Village of Fairport, the Fairport-Perinton Merchants Association Inc. and individual merchants will not be held responsible for any theft, loss of property or personal injury suffered during or as a result of participation in Fairport Canal Days.
NOTE: Late Applications are NOT guaranteed a booth space.
Check frequently for the latest updates and information